The DIA QLD asked me to help them out with a poster to promote nominations for their Graduate of the Year awards. It needed to appeal to students, who then ask their lecturers to nominate them. Other than that the brief was very open.
I pretty much always have cats on the brain and on this particular day, it was space as well after a few too many Crash Course Astonomy episodes. So in a pretty quick decision making process, I decided an astronaut kitty was what this poster needed – and space kitty was born.
I wrote the copy for the poster to make the space kitty work with the brief, and sent it off to DIA QLD who “love, love, love it!”
Not long after I had made this poster, I got some very interesting requests to do vector animation. It was something I had been interested in tackling for the longest time (read 3 years), so I dove in with space kitty as the initial guinea pig for a bit of motion.
ClientDIA QLDSkillsillustration, motionYear2015